
The Beermat Entrepreneur: What You Really Need to Know to Turn a Good Idea into a Great Business Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 160 стр ISBN 0-27365-929-4 инфо 8171b.

The Beermat Entrepreneur: What You Really Need to Know to Turn a Good Idea into a Great Business Издательство: Prentice Hall, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 160 стр ISBN 0-27365-929-4 инфо 8171b.

So, you're sitting in the pub with friends or colleagues and you have a brilliant idea This time it's really brilliant It's the foundation of a potentially very large and successful business Do you just go аугеоhome and leave the scrawled-on beermat in the pub? Or is this it - time to really make it happen? Problem is, you've no idea where to start Who do you need to talk to? How do you find the cash to back the idea? How many people do you need to work with to the idea off бгэтъthe ground? And how on earth do you find them? Mike Southon has been there, and in The Beermat Entrepreneur he tells you exactly how to convert those jotted notes into a big and successful business Step-by-step, with no jargon, no complex theory and no visits to arrogant pinstriped venture capitalists who aren't really interested in just "an idea" The Beermat Entrepreneur is a practical guide to starting and building a business You begin with a bright idea, sketched out боркьon a beer mat in the pub one evening You end with a major company employing hundreds of people and a bank balance to match Авторы Mike Southon Кристофер Вест Christopher West.