The book for anyone whose goals are identifying, attracting and keeping customers Rainmakers come in many guises including CEO, owner, partner, sales representative, managing director or fundraiser Rainmakerаугеаs are not born They are made Jeffrey JFox explains in his witty, succinct style, how to be a rainmaker His surprising, daring and totally practical wisdom will help readers to woo, pursue and finally win any customer; and ultimately rise above the competition in anбгэтхy company How to Become a Rainmaker is packed full of wisdom such as: Customers don't care about you; Sell on Friday afternoons; You are not at lunch to eat lunch Автор Джеффри Дж Фокс Jeffrey J Fox Джеффри Дж Фокс - основатель и руководитель Fox & Co, , консалтинговой компании, специализирующейся на стратегическом маркетинге До того как основать собственную фирму, он занимал высокие позиции в ряде крупных компаний - был вице-президентом и .