
Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Издательство: Vermilion, 1999 г Мягкая обложка, 94 стр ISBN 0-09181-697-1 инфо 8136b.

Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life Издательство: Vermilion, 1999 г Мягкая обложка, 94 стр ISBN 0-09181-697-1 инфо 8136b.

Change can be a blessing or a curse, depending on your perspective The message of Who Moved My Cheese? is that all can come to see it as a blessing, if they understand the nature of cheese and the role it plaауггыys in their lives Who Moved My Cheese? is a parable that takes place in a maze Four beings live in that maze: Sniff and Scurry are mice, non-analytical and non-judgmental; they just want cheese and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it Hem and Haw are "бгэснlittle people", mouse-size humans who have an entirely different relationship with cheese It's not just sustenance to them; it's their self-image Their lives and belief systems are built around the cheese they've found Most of us reading the story will see the cheese as something related to our livelihoods - our jobs, our career paths, the industries we work in - although it can stand for anything, from health to relationships The point of the story is that we have to be alerборкаt to changes in the cheese and be prepared to go running off in search of new sources of cheese when the cheese we have runs out Автор Спенсер Джонсон Spencer Johnson Спенсер Джонсон получил степень бакалавра по психологии в Университете Южной Калифорнии, а также степень доктора медицины в Королевском колледже хирургии; учился в интернатуре Гарвардской школы медицины и в клинике Майо Доктор Джонсон был директором .