
Competitive Branding: Winning in the Market Place with Value-added Brands Издательство: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, 1998 г Твердый переплет, 200 стр ISBN 0-47198-457-4 инфо 8108b.

Competitive Branding: Winning in the Market Place with Value-added Brands Издательство: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, 1998 г Твердый переплет, 200 стр ISBN 0-47198-457-4 инфо 8108b.

Torsten HNilson's new book Competitive Branding contains useful information on two of the hottest words in marketing, "competitive" and "branding" It's a must read Jack Trout, Presidenаугвуt of Trout & Partners Ltd USA, and global marketing strategist * * * With the increasing recognition that brands are assets that have to be actively managed, we all need keys to unlock the processes for managing brands in a disciplined way This book opens the doбгэрзors! Raoul Pinnell, Global Head of Brands and Communications, Shell International Petroleum Company Ltd * * * Branding is increasingly recognized as the essence of marketing This book will give you plenty of ideas on how to build, grow, and perpetuate your brands Philip Kotler, SCJohnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, JL Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, USA * * * In his new book Torsten HNilson provides solid, борйлpractical and well-founded good advice and methods for building brands cost-effectively - brands that will succeed in the increasingly competitive market place This book will help the reader to: - create and implement a programme to build a competitive brand; - understand how brands are created, building the value of the brands; - use all the different parts of the marketing mix to build the power of the brand The focus of Competitive Branding is not so much "how to do the above" but more "what to do" to achieve success Torsten HNilson has developed a conceptual framework based on his vast experience - not only does this aspect set the book apart from others on this subject but it gives the reader the opportunity to consider all the strategic aspects of branding in the context of their organization The busy professional will find this enlightening book, which is illustrated with truly inspirational examples and cases, one of the most useful in develбсьтъoping a successful competitive brand Автор Торстен Нильсон Torsten H Nilson Торстен Нильсон - основатель и главный менеджер британской консалтинговой фирмы Nilson Consulting Ltd, специализирующейся на разработке маркетинговых стратегий, торговых марок и концепций В списке клиентов этой фирмы - многие всемирно известные "голубые .