
Benchmarking in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors: Best Practices for Achieving Performance Breakthroughs Издательство: Jossey-Bass, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 256 стр ISBN 978-0-7879-9831-8 Язык: Английский инфо 5942b.

Benchmarking in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors: Best Practices for Achieving Performance Breakthroughs Издательство: Jossey-Bass, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 256 стр ISBN 978-0-7879-9831-8 Язык: Английский инфо 5942b.

The first edition of Benchmarking in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors offered public officials and administrators at all levels of government a unique and practical guide to identifying best practices and implауариementing them in their organizations Based on the most current research, this new edition of the best-selling guide provides an updated, solution-driven methodology for benchmarking in both the public and nonprofit sectors Unique in its focus solely on benchmarking, бгымъthe authors take a step-by-step approach to two benchmarking techniques, differentiating between the two and then providing a new approach to solution-driven benchmarking that requires less time and fewer resources Benchmarking in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors provides new tools, many updated case studies, and additional examples not only from government and nonprofit agencies, but also from the international community This important resource will help practitioners implement a qбопхчuick, proven method as they search for solutions to their most pressing problems Формат: 18 см x 24 см 2 edition Авторы Patricia Keehley Neil N Abercrombie.